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How does the Government Pension Offset work?

How does the Government Pension Offset work?

If you receive a pension from a government job but did not pay Social Security taxes while you had the job, we’ll reduce your Social Security spouse, widow, or widower benefits by two-thirds of the amount of your government pension. This offset is known as the GPO.

How do I avoid Government Pension Offset?

For this strategy to avoid the GPO, the worker would need to withdraw all of their own contributions (with interest) from the plan, forfeiting any employer contributions (unlike most non-government pensions, many government pensions consist of both employee and employer contributions).

How does Windfall Elimination Provision work?

The windfall elimination provision (WEP) is a modified benefit formula that reduces the Social Security benefits of certain retired or disabled workers who are also entitled to pension benefits based on earnings from jobs that were not covered by Social Security and thus not subject to the Social Security payroll tax.

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When did the Government Pension Offset go into effect?

This is because in 1977 and 1983, Congress enacted legislation reducing Social Security benefits to such individuals through the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).

Who does the Government Pension Offset affect?

The Government Pension Offset (GPO) affects workers with government pensions who also receive Social Security benefits through their spouse. The GPO reduces the amount of Social Security spousal or survivor benefits by two-thirds of the amount of the pension.

Can you collect both a government pension and Social Security?

Yes. There is nothing that precludes you from getting both a pension and Social Security benefits. But there are some types of pensions that can reduce Social Security payments.

What is the difference between government pension offset and windfall elimination provision?

The WEP reduces the share of preretirement earnings that Social Security benefits replace. A related provision, the Government Pension Offset ( GPO ), reduces Social Security benefits paid to spouses or survivors when the spouse or survivor earned a pension from a government job that was not covered by Social Security.

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Who is exempt from Windfall Elimination Provision?

If you worked 30 or more years in another job with substantial earnings, which withheld Social Security, you’re exempt from WEP. Substantial earnings are defined as $26,550 or more for the year 2021. This exemption generally applies to retirees who started a second career after their first retirement.

Will the Government Pension Offset be repealed?

The National Committee endorses S. 1302 and H.R. 82, the “Social Security Fairness Act of 2021,” which will repeal both the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset provisions of the Social Security Act.