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How does the magnetic field on Earth protect it from the sun?

How does the magnetic field on Earth protect it from the sun?

The magnetic field of the Earth plays a very important role in our lives, it protects us from the solar winds. These are currents of particles charged of energy emanated from the sun which emit radiation. The magnetosphere deflects the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun, keeping us safe from any risk.

Does the magnetic field block solar radiation?

The magnetosphere is a strong magnetic field that surrounds our planet. Acting as a shield, it deflects most solar energetic particle radiation that emanates from the Sun. Magnetic fields deflect the motion of particles possessing a net electrical charge.

Why does the Earth’s magnetic field deflect solar wind?

The charged particles emitted by the Sun make up the solar wind. These electrons, protons, and alpha particles emitted by the Sun will be pushed by the Earth’s magnetic field and can be deflected.

Does Earth’s magnetic field deflect cosmic rays?

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Fortunately, on Earth we have two very effective lines of defence: the Earth’s magnetic field and its atmosphere. The charged particles in cosmic rays are deflected by the magnetic field and many are prevented from hitting the atmosphere directly.

What happens when Earth’s magnetic field interacts with solar wind?

If a planet has a magnetic field, it will interact with the solar wind to deflect the charged particles and form an elongated cavity in the solar wind. They are slowed by the interaction with the earth to produce a bow shaped shock wave around the earth.

How does Earth’s magnetic field shield?

The magnetosphere shields the surface of the Earth from the charged particles of the solar wind and is generated by electric currents located in many different parts of the Earth. It is compressed on the day (Sun) side due to the force of the arriving particles, and extended on the night side.