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How does time travel work in Star Trek?

How does time travel work in Star Trek?

Sometimes in Trek, time travel creates neither a consistent timeline nor does it replace the one you know. Instead, it creates a new, separate timeline that goes on existing without bothering the original. The most well-known example is from the 2009 film Star Trek.

How did they time travel in Star Trek 4?

In Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, time travel is achieved through some pretty strenuous circumstances. A vessel attempting to travel through time needs to calculate an exact slingshot orbit around the Sun, while speeding at close to Warp Factor 10.

What year do they travel to in Star Trek 4?

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To save Earth from an alien probe, Admiral James T. Kirk and his fugitive crew go back in time to San Francisco in 1986 to retrieve the only beings who can communicate with it: humpback whal…

Did Star Trek help save the whales?

In the fall of 1986, one year after Back to the Future, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home not only became a transtemporal box-office hit, it also propelled climate change and concern for endangered species into the mainstream. In short, Star Trek tried to literally save the whales in 1986, and it basically worked.

Can the Borg time travel?

Through the usage of those particles, the Borg Sphere is able to manipulate a window through time, allowing the probe to move several hundred years back in time. Matching the chronometric readings of the Borg Sphere that created the temporal rift, the ship and her crew warp back to the 24th century.

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How did Captain Kirk go back in time?

In 2371, while the Enterprise-B was engaging in its shakedown cruise, Captain James T. Kirk was presumed dead, sucked into the vacuum of space. What actually happened is he was sucked into a pocket universe known as The Nexus, which just happens to be the obsession of scientist/villain Dr.

Where did the probe come from in Star Trek 4?

Kirk and his crew later discover that the Probe was created by beings that resembled Earth cetaceans, and that it was damaged thousands of years earlier by what it described as “mites” in cube-shaped vessels, which implies that it encountered the Borg at some point before coming to Earth.
