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How does Tswana show respect?

How does Tswana show respect?

“Setswana society expects and requires its members to have “botho”, which is derived from “motho” (a human being). Matambo says the spirit of botho speaks to the very core of our humanity and says, “I am because you are” (Motho ke motho ka batho), a social contract of earning respect by first giving it.

What are some customs and traditions in Botswana?

Religious rites included the bogwera and bojale (male and female initiation ceremonies) and gofethla pula or rain-making rites. Today, Christianity is the most prevailing belief system in Botswana, with well over 60\% of the population.

How do people greet in Botswana?

Start with hello, which is “dumela rra” (doo-meh-lah rah) to a man and “dumela mma” (doo-meh-lah mah) to a woman. Follow that with a handshake: Step 1 Extend your right hand and place your left under your right elbow, as if you were supporting an injured arm. Lightly clasp hands as you would in the U.S.

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What is Botswana’s culture?

Botswana is made up of numerous ethnic groups, though the Batswana are the most numerous. Music is an omnipresent part of Botswana culture, and include popular and folk forms. Church choirs are common across the country. Music education is an integral part of the educational system.

How do Tswanas get married?

Marriages were usually arranged by kin groups, the man’s kin taking the initiative. Child betrothal used to be common, but it is no longer practised. An important part of betrothal was transfer of bride wealth ‘bogadi’ from the groom’s family to the bride’s. A marriage was valid only when bogadi had been paid.

How important is the baby to the Batswana culture?

Botswana is no exception because motherhood is viewed as one of the most important stages in life. Therefore, welcoming and celebrating a new born baby is nothing new. Batswana used to have the traditional baby celebrations called mantsho a ngwana, which literally means “taking the baby out” of the house.

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What are Botswana values?

Botho forms the fabric of the Botswana value-system. Other values which also form the national principles of Botswana include Democracy, Development, Self-reliance and Unity. People of Botswana strongly believe in the value of consultations within the society to ensure peace through consensus.

What are the gender roles in Botswana?

In the “modern” economy, there is no formal division of labor by gender, but fewer women are in upper-level management and government positions, and certain positions are gender-based (herders are male; housemaids are female). A man repairs shoes in the street in Gaborone, Botswana.

How do you say thank you in Botswana?

A collection of useful phrases in Tswana, a Bantu language spoken in Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa….Useful phrases in Tswana.

English Setswana (Tswana)
Thank you Ke a leboga, rra (frm>m) Ke a leboga, mma (frm>f) Ke itumetse, rra (frm>m) Ke itumetse, mma (frm>f)

What does Dumela mean in Botswana?

Phrases you’ll come across on a trip to Botswana. Dumela meaning Good day/Morning/Afternoon/Evening. You can say this to anyone at anytime of the day. Dumela really means accept my warmest compliments. Dumelang you say this to greet a group of people together.

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What does MA mean in Botswana?

Alexander McCall Smith Mma and Rra are the formal terms of greeting and respect in Botswana. Mma is pronounced “Ma,” with a gentle m sound and a shortish a. Rra is exactly as it is spelt, with a rolling R.

What is divorce in Setswana?

Synonyms of the word “divorce”: dhihar. divorced.