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How far can we see into space with a telescope?

How far can we see into space with a telescope?

The Hubble Space Telescope can see out to a distance of several billions of light-years. A light-year is the distance that light travels in 1 year.

How can we see light from distant stars?

Answer: Even though the stars that we see in the night sky are all very far away, we can see them not by actually being able to resolve their sizes, but by measuring the light that they produce. where F is a measure of the amount of light from the star (called the “flux”) and d is the distance to the star.

Why does the atmosphere make it harder to see stars?

Why light pollution ruins stargazing One product of light pollution is called “skyglow.” Unshielded city lights scatter their light in all directions, including straight up into the sky. That light gets reflected and scattered by clouds and atmospheric particles and causes skyglow that blocks out starlight.

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Are most of the bright stars in our sky bright because they are the nearby stars or because they are the most luminous stars?

We find the stars that appear brightest to our eyes are bright primarily because they are intrinsically very luminous, not because they are the closest to us. Most of the nearest stars are intrinsically so faint that they can be seen only with the aid of a telescope.

How can telescopes see so far away?

That light is what we see when we look into a telescope. A telescope is a tool that astronomers use to see faraway objects. Most telescopes, and all large telescopes, work by using curved mirrors to gather and focus light from the night sky. The bigger the mirrors or lenses, the more light the telescope can gather.

Why is it harder to see stars in the city?

Most of us living in urban areas can’t see it because of all the light pollution. Artificial light from cities has created a permanent “skyglow” at night, obscuring our view of the stars. Here’s their map of artificial sky brightness in North America, represented as a ratio of “natural” nighttime sky brightness.

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Do you need atmosphere to see stars?

For stars to show up in any image, its all about the exposure settings. For example, if you are outside (on Earth) on a dark night and can see thousands of stars, if you just take your camera or phone camera and snap a quick picture, you’ll just get a darkness.

What are the two factors that determine how bright stars appear to us here on Earth?

Why Are Some Stars Brighter than Others?

  • Two Main Factors. There are actually two factors that influence how bright a star appears to our eyes:
  • 1) The Star’s Actual Brightness.
  • 2) The Star’s Distance from Us.

Is it true that the brighter the star the bigger it is?

The closer a star is to us, the brighter it will appear. Larger stars usually shine more brightly than smaller stars do. So, how bright a star appears in the night sky depends on its size and how far away from us it is.