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How far does an electric panel need to be from a water source?

How far does an electric panel need to be from a water source?

3 of the IRC specifies that a a dedicated space must exist around the panel and must be kept free of pipes, ducts and any equipment not pertinent to the electrical installation. This space extends from the floor to the ceiling or to a point 6 feet above the top of the panel, whichever is lower.

What is code for electrical panel clearance?

3 feet
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Electrical Code (NEC), require that electrical panels have a minimum of 3 feet (36 inches) of clearance and a minimum headroom of 6.5 feet or the height of the equipment whichever is greater.

How close can water panels be?

The 30″ clearance side to side is correct for panels 30″ or smaller… after that the clearance has to be at least equal to the width of the panel…but in the case of a panel that is smaller than 30″… the clearance can all be to one side or the other of the panel… so the water main can be 1″ away on the right with a 16″ …

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How far away does a water heater need to be?

The Uniform Plumbing Code, which establishes standards nationwide, says that the flame or sparking mechanism in a gas water heater must be at least 18 inches off the ground. This means that an accurate measurement for proper installation is not based on the distance from the bottom of the water heater to the floor.

How close can sink be to electrical panel?

There is no specific code requirement for the minimum distance from a plumbing fixture to an electric panel, but nothing—including a sink—is allowed to be installed in a working space 2′-6” wide by 3′-0” deep by 6′-6” high in front of an electric panel.

How close can electrical wire be plumbing?

Electrical wire should be kept at least 1″ away from radiator piping and heating ducts. A piece of insulation can be used to keep the wire separated from a nearby heating duct or pipe if necessary. Electrical wire must be kept at least 6″ away from a single-wall exhaust flue of gas fired heating appliances.

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How close can electrical panels be to each other?

1 Answer. The clearance is 36″ in front and 30″ side-to-side — but that side-to-side clearance does not have to be centered on the panel as long as both edges are accessible.

How far does an electrical panel need to be from a wall?

30 inches
For example, California’s state building code requires a minimum clearance of 30 inches horizontally in front of an electrical panel. This means you cannot place an electrical panel close to a corner if another wall, fixture or piece of furniture is within 30 inches of it.

Can an electrical panel be next to a water heater?

Based on the letter of the code it is perfectly feasible to have a water heater or sink immediately next to a breaker panel. Contrary to popular belief, an electrical panel, or most other electrical equipment, will not explode and blow up the house if contact with water is made.

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How close can a junction box be to a water line?

There is no required spacing for a water pipe and a junction box if a plastic box it could be in contact with your copper. A metal box you would want an air gap as any moisture in the air (humidity) and a copper / galvanized contact the pipe will spring a leak over time because of galvanic corrosion.

Should a water heater be on the ground?

Your gas water heater should be 18 inches off of the ground, as per the National Fuel Gas Code. This rule is in place for the safety of you and your family, to help prevent fires and even explosions in the event that a flammable substance is spilled near your gas heater.

Can a water heater be near electrical panel?