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How fast do Klingons age?

How fast do Klingons age?

But if Moore’s ‘faster maturing’ Klingon theory is to be taken as canon, and approximating that 1 human year is roughly equivalent to 2 Klingon years (so Alexander at age 8 is equivalent to a human 16-year-old), then Worf should have the demeanour and appearance of someone in his late 40s when we first see him in S1 of …

How old can a Vulcan live?

Vulcans are typically depicted as stronger, faster, and longer-lived than humans. There are instances of them living over 220 years. Having evolved on a desert world, Vulcans can survive without water for longer periods than humans.

How old can Ferengi live?

Legends of the Ferengi by Ira Steven Behr and Robert Hewitt Wolfe stated Ferengi could live up to three hundred years. This is a lower limit, as Hudak, the Antaran featured, was said to be able to live for another sixty years by Phlox.

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What is the longest living race in Star Trek?

According to Federation records, the Vedala are the oldest known spacefaring civilization. One representative of the Vedalan race is met in 2269 (stardate: 5683.1), by Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock.

How long is a Romulan lifespan?

Yes, Romulans have a maximum life expectancy of 250 years, but the average appears to be 200 to 230 years. The same is true for Vulcans, with the average being about 220 years.

At what age are Vulcans considered adults?

Vulcans are considered to be legal adults around age thirty, however what little we know of Vulcan physiology suggests that they age much like turtles do, which is to say they rapidly mature, and then plateau in aging, so it may well be that a Vulcan is physically matured around the same time as their human counterpart …

How old does Spock live?

Tragically, the heroic Vulcan succumbed to radiation poisoning. Spock was 55 years old when he died, which is relatively young considering Vulcans can live up to 200 years old. Spock’s father Sarek (Mark Lenard), for example, was 203 when he died in 2368 during Star Trek: The Next Generation season 5.

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How long did Spock live?

How fast do Vulcans mature?

I think it makes sense that the average age of sexual maturity in a Vulcan is 35 Vulcan years, equivalent to 19 human years. The opposite, if it’s 35 human years, would be as late as 63 Vulcan years. Or, think of it this way: The average human sexual maturity is reached at 13 years of age.