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How hard is it to learn Vietnamese from English?

How hard is it to learn Vietnamese from English?

Vietnamese. Why it’s hard: Vietnamese is a tonal language with six different tones that dictate the meaning of a word. The high number of vowel sounds also prove difficult for English speakers to nail down.

How easy is Vietnamese grammar?

Learning Vietnamese is neither hard nor easy. As we will see, many more aspects of Vietnamese grammar are dễ rather than khó. Realistically, it is more accurate to say that Vietnamese is mostly “an easy language” rather than “a hard language.” However, one aspect of Vietnamese, the pronunciation, is quite difficult.

Why do Vietnamese want to learn English?

Why do Vietnamese students want to learn from a native English speaker? They want to have challenges: If a student level is average, above intermediate, or advanced, they will want to be inspired or motivated. A native teacher will be able to challenge them in listening and communicating.

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Is it difficult to learn English in Vietnam?

As you can imagine, Vietnamese and English are like chalk and cheese. There are very few similarities between the two languages, which means that Vietnamese learners of English can have a tough time learning English. Here are a few difficulties Vietnamese learners of English can have when learning English.

What are the most common grammatical issues in Vietnamese?

There are a few grammatical issues which can cause problems for Vietnamese learners. The first relates to the verb to be. The Vietnamese equivalent of the verb to be is là, but là is not used in the same way as to be. In English we use to be to link the subject and a predicative adjective – for example He is hungry.

What is the easiest way to learn Vietnamese words?

Vietnamese has no concept of “masculine” or “feminine” words. You can just learn the word as it is, without any need for extra memorisation. 2. Vietnamese Dispenses with “a” and “the”

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How hard is it to pronounce Vietnamese?

It’s true that, with six tones and a plethora of strange vowel sounds that we don’t have in English, pronouncing Vietnamese can be tricky. But most expats in Vietnam (of which I was one for a year) fail to realise that the pronunciation is just about the only difficult thing about Vietnamese.