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How has Mexican culture influenced the United States?

How has Mexican culture influenced the United States?

HISPANIC CULTURE IS HAVING A PROFOUND EFFECT ON AMERICAN FOOD, MUSIC, SPORTS, BEAUTY PRODUCTS, FASHION, POLITICS AND MUCH MORE. This influence is due not only to the sheer size of the Hispanic population of 52 million now in the U.S. — roughly one in six Americans, with projections to nearly one in three by 2050.

How did World war 2 affect Mexican immigration to the United States?

The war also fueled Latino migration to the United States. As defense industries grew and many workers went off to war, industries experienced acute labor shortages. Over 100,000 contracts were signed between 1943 and 1945 to recruit and transport Mexican workers to the United States for employment on the railroads.

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How did the Hispanic culture influence America?

Hispanic influence in American pop culture But the Hispanic influence is notorious as well in the gastronomic market. Mexican food, for instance, is one of American’s favorites across the country. Executives and television personalities have also had a great influence in the country.

What role did Mexican Americans play in World War II?

Not only did Hispanics serve as active combatants in the European and Pacific Theaters of war, but they also served on the home front as civilians. Many worked in traditionally male labor jobs in the manufacturing plants that produced munitions and materiel, replacing men who were away at war.

What were the effects of the Mexican migration of the 1930s?

The Great Depression of the 1930s hit Mexican immigrants especially hard. Along with the job crisis and food shortages that affected all U.S. workers, Mexicans and Mexican Americans had to face an additional threat: deportation.

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How are Mexican culture and American culture similar?

-Both countries believe in the value of education, both teach the same subjects, many of the clothes we wear are the same as well as similar food and a value of religion plus much of American and Mexican culture blend together in certain places in the US which also makes the transition to American culture easier.