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How high is the transformer on a pole?

How high is the transformer on a pole?

Pole mounted transformers are reasonably small in size and mass so that it is easy to install them on single pole structures, and larger units on two-pole structures, approximately 5 meters above the ground.

What are the requirements of installing the pole mounted transformer?

2.4 Prepare the transformer with the proper wire sizing. Refer to Distribution Standards Drawing 14-3 – Transformer Lead & Fuse Size Single Phase. 2.5 Attach winch line and appropriately rated sling to the transformer. 2.6 Pick up the transformer with the winch then position the transformer with the boom.

How far from the house can a transformer be?

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Generally, a transformer located near a building requires 4ft clearance from the building vertical surfaces, assuming no windows from grade to 18ft.

How does a pole mounted transformer work?

Both pole-mount and pad-mount transformers convert the high ‘primary’ voltage of the overhead or underground distribution lines to the lower ‘secondary’ or ‘utilization’ voltage inside the building. This has a 7.2 kV phase-to-neutral voltage, exactly 30 times the 240 V on the split-phase secondary side.

How heavy are pole mounted transformers?


kVA Height Inches (mm) Weight Lbs. (kg)
75 49 (1245) 850 (386)
100 50 (1270) 923 (419)
167 58 (1473) 1475 (670)
250 66 (1676) 1820 (826)

How long does it take to install a transformer?

A distribution transformer can take one hour to a few hours to replace; but widespread damage can take much longer to repair.

Is pole mounted transformer EMF harmful?

lines on metal poles or towers — can produce elevated EMF (over 1 milligauss or mG). These elevated fields can extend several hundred to as much as 1000 feet on both sides. That’s greater than the length of three football fields. Homes, schools and workplaces near these power lines can be within these high EMF zones.

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How many poles are used in pole mounted substation to transformer?

two poles
Pole mounted Distribution Transformer substation (DT S/S) The two poles structure is made of poles with channels and Page 2 associated accessories creating a H type pole configuration to locate the DT at certain minimum height from the ground level to meet the ground clearance.