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How is a thunderstorm a result of convection?

How is a thunderstorm a result of convection?

Thunderstorms form when warm, moist air rises into cold air. The warm air becomes cooler, which causes moisture, called water vapor, to form small water droplets – a process called condensation. This circuit of rising and falling air is called a convection cell. If this happens a small amount, a cloud will form.

Why are thunderstorms likely to form on a hot day?

On a hot summer day the surface of the Earth is heated by the sun. The Earth’s surface heats the air just above the surface through the process of conduction. The action of warm air rising and cold air sinking (convection) plays a key role in the formation of severe thunderstorms.

Can lightning occur on a sunny day?

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“Lightning on a clear and sunny day is a real and very dangerous phenomenon. “Occasionally lightning strikes emerge from the back side of a thunderstorm cloud, travel a relatively long distance before angling downward to the ground.

Why does the temperature drop after a thunderstorm?

As the water vapor condenses it releases heat, which is a form of energy. A large amount of the thunderstorm’s energy comes from the condensation process that forms the thunderstorm clouds. As the thunderstorm progresses, eventually the rain cools the entire process down and the energy is gone.

What does convection mean in weather?

Convection. Generally, transport of heat and moisture by the movement of a fluid. In meteorology, the term is used specifically to describe vertical transport of heat and moisture in the atmosphere, especially by updrafts and downdrafts in an unstable atmosphere.

What is convection in a storm?

Convective Storms Convection is upward atmospheric motion that transports whatever is in the air along with it – especially any moisture available in the air. A thunderstorm is a result of convection. 1. Squall line and supercell systems are examples of convective storms.

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What is a summer thunderstorm?

In the summer, thunderstorms typically develop in the afternoon when the sun heats air near the ground. If the atmosphere is unstable, bubbles of warm air will rise and produce clouds, precipitation, and eventually lightning.

Why is it colder after rain?

Rain Cools Us: When the droplet reaches us it cools its surroundings. Increased Humidity Can Make The Air Feel Colder: As the rain water warms it begins to evaporate, increasing the humidity of the air which correspondingly loses its ability to insulate – the air its self begins to feel cooler.

Why does severe weather happen?

What causes severe weather? Severe weather is caused by changes in the atmosphere in relation to temperature, wind or air pressure. These changes can result in tornadoes, blizzards, floods and ice storms.