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How is the name Xia pronounced?

How is the name Xia pronounced?

Pronounce Names

Pronunciation: Z-eye-uh rhymes wit Mya or Mia, with a Z instead of M
Gender: Female
Origin: Chinese and Greek
Alternate Spelling(s): Zia, Zya
Meaning: Inn Chinese it means Summer (season) or glow of sunrise, , In Greek it means Welcoming; hospitable.

What is the meaning of Xia?

Glow Of The Sunrise
The name Xia is primarily a female name of Chinese origin that means Glow Of The Sunrise.

Where is the last name Xia from?

Xia is the Mandarin pinyin romanization of the Chinese surname written 夏 in Chinese character….Xia (surname)

Language(s) Chinese
Language(s) Old Chinese
Meaning Summer
Other names

What is xia in Mandarin?

下 xià down downwards below lower later next (week etc) second (of two parts) to decline to go down to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc) measure word to show the frequency of an action.

What is Xia in medical terms?

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excessive discharge; excessive flow.

What is the meaning of MIA name?

The name Mia originated from Maria—which is derived from the Hebrew name Miryam. The name has since come to be linked to the Italian word mia, meaning mine, and is also recognized as a derivation from the Slavic word Mila, meaning dear or darling.

How do you pronounce the name Shang?

Syllable: “shang” It is composed of the initial “sh-” and the final “-ang”.

What is the meaning of Chang Jiang?

the longest river
Definitions of Chang Jiang. the longest river of Asia; flows eastward from Tibet into the East China Sea near Shanghai. synonyms: Chang, Changjiang, Yangtze, Yangtze Kiang, Yangtze River.

Is Xia a suffix?

Suffixes (Medical Term) (-ICTAL, -XIA)