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How is Theravada Buddhism similar to Mahayana Buddhism?

How is Theravada Buddhism similar to Mahayana Buddhism?

Similarities Between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism According to the BBC: Theravada and Mahayana are both rooted in the basic teachings of the historical Buddha, and both emphasise the individual search for liberation from the cycle of samsara (birth, death, rebirth…).

How did Mahayana Buddhism portray the Buddha?

Mahayana Buddhism says that there are three aspects of Buddhahood, which it describes by regarding Buddha as having three bodies (trikaya): Dharmakaya: Buddha is transcendent – he is the same thing as the ultimate truth. Sambhogakaya: Buddha’s body of bliss, or enjoyment body.

What was the biggest difference between Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism?

The main difference between these ‘2’ Buddhist groups were their views on the Laity’s possibility of enlightenment. Theravada claimed that only monks could achieve Nirvana; and Mahayana claimed that both monks and Laity could achieve nirvana. Theravāda and the Mahāyāna are the two major schools of Buddhism.

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What were the key differences between the Theravada and Mahayana expressions of Buddhism?

What is the difference between the Theravada and Mahayana expressions of Buddhism? Theravada states that one’s enlightenment should be achieved through self-effort, had no distinct gods, and fought for equality. Mahayana had people to help one achieve nirvana, had gods, and religious merit.

What is the uniqueness of Theravada Buddhism?

What makes Theravada Buddhism unique is its extreme emphasis on monastic life. In fact, the majority of Theravada practitioners choose a monastic path…

What Buddhist sacred text is recognized by both the Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism?

Pali canon, also called Tipitaka (Pali: “Triple Basket”) or Tripitaka (Sanskrit), the complete canon, first recorded in Pali, of the Theravada (“Way of the Elders”) branch of Buddhism.