Popular lifehacks

How long can you hold your pee before you pee your pants?

How long can you hold your pee before you pee your pants?

It takes your body 9 to 10 hours to produce 2 cups of urine. That’s about as long as you can wait and still be in the safe zone without the possibility of damaging your organs. In the worst of circumstances, your bladder may stretch to hold even more than 2 cups of fluid.

How long does it take for pee to dry in clothes?

Do not use warm or hot water, as this can set in the stain and odor. Air-dry the urine-stained items. This can take a full 24 hours if you are drying indoors. Do not use a clothes dryer, because any heat can serve to set in the odor permanently.

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How do you wash peed pants?

Soaking the underwear in a vinegar-water solution before washing them by hand worked to not only get rid of the stains but also the smells. You can also try soaking the stained and soiled underwear in a solution of soda bicarbonate and water and then, washing as usual.

What is the longest anyone has held their pee?

The World Record for the longest pee is 508 seconds.

Why does holding pee in feel good?

“When you have downward pressure from the bladder on the shaft of the clitoris and there’s a sudden release of this pressure, it can cause those nerves to fire off,” Geraghty said. “These nerves firing off is what gives these women that tingly orgasmic feeling.”

Does pee stain clothes?

It’s no secret that accidents happen. However, it’s important to remove even small urine stains as soon as possible to reduce lingering odor and discoloration. The longer acidic urine is in contact with fabrics and fibers, the harder it is to remove….How to Remove Urine Stains From Clothes & Carpet.

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Stain type Organic protein
Cycle type Varies by type of fabric

How do you make yourself pee right away?

If you do have to force yourself, here are 10 strategies that may work:

  1. Run the water. Turn on the faucet in your sink.
  2. Rinse your perineum.
  3. Hold your hands in warm or cold water.
  4. Go for a walk.
  5. Sniff peppermint oil.
  6. Bend forward.
  7. Try the Valsalva maneuver.
  8. Try the subrapubic tap.

How can a girl pee in public?

5 Ways for Women to (Discreetly) Pee in Public

  1. Buy a trap-door skirt. Skirtsports.com.
  2. Create your own concealing combo. Runningskirts.com.
  3. Recycle your space blanket. Active Steve via Flickr and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
  4. Pop a semi-squat. Cindy Kuzma.
  5. Carry a truly porta-potty. Amazon.