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How long does a DC procedure take?

How long does a DC procedure take?

How long does a dilation and curettage (D&C) take? The procedure itself takes about five to 10 minutes. But the process may be longer. And you’ll need to wait in the recovery room for a few hours after the procedure before you go home.

Do they put you to sleep for a D&C?

Are you awake during a D&C? Most D&Cs are done under general anesthesia. The procedure is typically very short, and general anesthetic can be quickly reversed, with the patient going home later the same day.

How many days rest after D&C?

Post-D&C recovery time for a D&C procedure varies per patient but it’s typical to rest for 2-3 days after your D&C surgery. You should be able to resume your normal activities after your rest period. You may also be instructed to take off a full week if pain and discomfort is keeping you from your normal activities.

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Can you eat before D and C?

Eating and drinking: The doctor will also instruct the patient not to eat or drink for 12 hours before your D&C if it is done under general anesthesia (the patient is completely asleep), or for 8 hours before a local or regional (for example, spinal anesthesia, just the lower portion of your body is numbed and you have …

HOW LONG DOES A and C take?

You can have a D&C in your doctor’s office, an outpatient clinic, or the hospital. It usually takes only 10 to 15 minutes, but you may stay in the office, clinic, or hospital for up to five hours.

Can I take a bath after a D&C?

Dilation and Curettage (D&C) or Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) You may experience bleeding for 7-10 days. You may bathe or shower but avoid intercourse, douching or tampons until your follow-up visit.

How long does a D&C take under anesthesia?

It usually takes only 10 to 15 minutes, but you may stay in the office, clinic, or hospital for up to five hours.

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How long does it take for uterus to shrink after D&C?

The uterus starts shrinking within minutes of giving birth, but it takes about six weeks to fully return to its previous size.

How long do you cramp after D&C?

You may experience cramps for a few days. Sometimes patients experience an episode of heavy bleeding and cramps 4-6 days after the D&C. If this happens, lie down and rest. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc.) or Tylenol, rest, and a hot water bottle or heating pad on the abdomen are helpful for relieving cramps.

Is a D&C the same as an abortion?

A D&C (Dilation and Curretage) is the most common method of early abortion. This method is simple and considered the safest and most convenient way to end an early pregnancy. A D&C procedure is routine, considered safe and will not affect your ability to get pregnant in the future.