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How long were troops deployed in ww2?

How long were troops deployed in ww2?

In an army, for instance, soldiers on active duty serve 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the length of their service commitment. Soldiers in World War II were deployed for the entire war and could be in active service for 4-5 years.

How long was a tour in ww2?

Aircrew were first committed to a tour of thirty operational flights, not exceeding 200 actual flying hours, which could last for any period from four months to a year. Pathfinder crews flew forty-five. A six-month break – usually spent as instructors with training units – was followed by a second and final tour.

How long did soldiers stay in the trenches?

four days
Each soldier usually spent eight days in the front line and four days in the reserve trench. Another four days were spent in a rest camp that was built a few miles away from the fighting. However, when the army was short of men, soldiers had to spend far longer periods at the front.

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How did the point system work in ww2?

The point system, called the Adjusted Service Rating Score, had the objective of achieving equity in the demobilization. Soldiers were given one point for each month of military service and one additional point was given for each month of overseas service. Each battle star or decoration earned a soldier 5 points.

How long were deployments to Vietnam?

There was a one-year deployment period for Vietnam, where soldiers served 365 days and returned home.

What did soldiers do in their free time?

In their spare time, soldiers wrote letters and diaries, drew sketches, read books and magazines, pursued hobbies, played cards or gambled. There were also opportunities for more-organised social activities. Many soldiers competed in boxing tournaments, athletics competitions, and football and cricket matches.

How did soldiers accumulate points in ww2?

GIs more commonly referred to it as the point system. Under this scheme, every US soldier was awarded a number of points based on how long they had been overseas, how many decorations they had received, how many campaigns they had taken part in, and how many children they had.

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What was the average age of a WWII soldier?

26 years of age
None of the enlisted grades have an average age of less than 20. The average man who fought in World War II was 26 years of age.