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How many 38 calibers are there?

How many 38 calibers are there?

Handgun cartridge table

Cartridge name Bullet diameter Case length
.38 Special .357 in (9.1 mm) 1.15 in (29 mm)
.38 ACP .358 in (9.1 mm) .900 in (22.9 mm)
.38 Super .358 in (9.1 mm) .900 in (22.9 mm)
.38 Super Comp .358 in (9.1 mm) .896 in (22.8 mm)

What does 38 Super compare to?

The 38 Super +P cartridge ballistics have been improved over the years by the use of modern propellants. Since the early 2000s, ammunition is available with velocities exceeding 1,400 ft/s (430 m/s). This is impressive from a semi-automatic pistol and is comparable to the . 357 SIG.

What size bullet does a 38 special take?

.357 inches
Despite its name, the caliber of the . 38 Special cartridge is actually . 357 inches (36 caliber/9.07 mm), with the “. 38” referring to the approximate diameter of the loaded brass case.

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Who uses 38 Super?

38 Super is popular in Central and South America for civilian firearms owners. One of the established reasons for this is that many Latin American countries restrict ownership of “military” firearms calibers like 9mm or . 45 ACP, but allow citizens to own guns chambered in “recreational” cartridges like .

Is 38 Super legal in Mexico?

Permitted calibers and types: The following are prohibited: . 38 super, . 38 caliber, with the exception of . 357 magnum.

What’s so special about .38 Special?

What’s so special about the .38? Well, it came to be in 1898 as a powerful handgun during the Philippine insurrection. It’s fought many wars and served multiple generations of peace officers. It’s certainly done well for a 120-year-old duty sidearm cartridge. 1. Proven track record. Cartridges come and go.

Is a .38 more powerful than a 9mm?

In general the 9mm is a more powerful round than the .38 Spl when it comes to commercial ammo. But there are some loads for the 38 Spl. which are more powerful than some loads for the 9mm. The commercial standard load for the .38 Spl has a 158 gr. bullet going between 750-800 fps from a 4″ barrel.

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What is 38 Super ammo?

Introduced in 1929 by Colt as an alternative chambering for the 1911 pistol, the .38 Super has evolved from an armor-penetrating fighting cartridge used by Prohibition-era FBI agents and gangsters to a competitive powerhouse used in IPSC and USPSA “racegun” matches. .38 Super ammo is sometimes downloaded to 9mm levels for target shooting.

What is a 38 Colt?

The .38 Long Colt (commonly known as .38 LC) is a black powder cartridge introduced by Colt’s Manufacturing Company in 1875, and was adopted as a standard military pistol cartridge by the United States Army in 1892 for the Colt New Army M1892 Revolver. It is slightly more powerful than the .38 Short Colt, or .38 SC.