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How many companies are there in total?

How many companies are there in total?

As of September 2020, there were over 1.26 million registered companies in the India. Out of these, over 1.25 million were companies limited by shares.

How many private businesses are there in the world?

While many of the nearly 27 million private companies may also be classified as “small businesses” and therefore count toward the stats listed above, as also outlined above, there are also many other private companies (not publicly traded) that are much larger and are not included in the “small business” figures.

How many companies are there by country?

Government > Total businesses registered > Number: Countries Compared

1 Russia 8.95 million
2 Zimbabwe 6.33 million
3 Italy 5.9 million
4 China 4.12 million
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Which country has most companies?

Breakdown by country

Rank Country Companies
1 United States 121
2 China 119
3 Japan 52
4 France 31

How many small businesses exist in the world?

The approximately 400 million SMEs are the backbone of economies around the world.

How many businesses are there in the world 2020?

213.65 million companies
Number of companies worldwide 2000-2020 There were estimated to be approximately 213.65 million companies worldwide in 2020, slightly fewer than in 2019 when there were 214.21 million, which was also an estimated peak for global company numbers in the provided time period.

Which country has the most companies?

United States
Breakdown by country

Rank Country Companies
1 United States 121
2 China 119
3 Japan 52
4 France 31