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How many digit is a German phone number?

How many digit is a German phone number?

Germany’s telephone numbers are made up of 9-13 numbers split into groups of 3. So if you’re going to make a call to Germany using a mobile phone, you should dial country code+area code+operator code+6-8-digit number. Some of the common area codes in Germany include Berlin (30), Cologne (221) and Leipzig (341).

How long is a German telephone number?

Germany/Dialing codes

What do German mobile numbers look like?

Mobile phone numbers can have a 4 or 5 digit prefix and look like this: 0171 6895430 or like this 01513 6895430. When you want to call a German mobile phone number from abroad, the same rules as with landline numbers apply. You have to add the +49 or 0049 and drop the first 0 of the prefix: +49 171 6895430.

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Do all German phone numbers start with 0?

German phone numbers consist of an area code, starting with 0, and the local number. Area codes are between three and six digits long; local numbers are between three and nine digits. If dialling from a landline within the same city, you don’t need to dial the area code.

How are German phone numbers written?

How to write German phone numbers. A German phone number has 3 parts: the country code, the area code, and the rest of the phone number. Take this number for example: +49 30 901820.

How are German phone numbers formatted?

This is the format used for the four largest geographic areas in Germany: Berlin (030), Hamburg (040), Frankfurt (069) and Munich (089). Newly assigned numbers have a length of eight digits for the local subscriber number, yielding a total length of ten digits (not including the 0 trunk code).

How are German phone numbers listed?

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How to write German phone numbers. A German phone number has 3 parts: the country code, the area code, and the rest of the phone number. Take this number for example: +49 30 901820. +49 is the country code (Ländervorwahl) for Germany1.

How do you call a German number?

How to Call a Landline in Germany?

  1. Dial the US exit code – 011.
  2. Dial the country code for Germany – 49.
  3. Dial the area code – 30.
  4. Dial the phone number – 1234567.

How are German addresses written?

German addresses differ from American and Canadian addresses in two respects: the house number comes after the street name and the post code is before the city, thus making them very similar to British addresses. It is customary to leave a space between the Street and the line with the Post Code and city.

Can I text a German number?

Type “+” and the country code for Germany (49) in the “To” field, followed by the German telephone number.

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How do I call a German number from India?

To call Germany from India, dial: 00 – 49 – Area Code – Land Phone Number 00 – 49 – 11 Digit Mobile Number

  1. 00 – Exit code for India, and is needed for making any international call from India.
  2. 49 – ISD Code or Country Code of Germany.
  3. Area code – There are 5197 area codes in Germany.