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How many levels does FBLA have?

How many levels does FBLA have?

The association has four divisions: Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for high school students; FBLA-Middle Level for junior high, middle, and intermediate school students; Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) for postsecondary students; and Professional Division for those not enrolled in school or postsecondary school, such …

How is the FBLA organized?

FBLA is composed of four divisions: FBLA, PBL, Professional Division and FBLA-Middle Level. Each division except for Middle Level (the FBLA National Officers also represent Middle Level) has their own National Officer team, and most states have an FBLA and PBL state officer team.

How do you join FBLA in high school?

  1. Step 1: Find an Adviser. Every FBLA Local Chapter is required to have an adviser.
  2. Step 2: Recruit Five Chapter Members & Create an Executive Board. Each FBLA Chapter is required to have a minimum of five members.
  3. Step 3: Create Bylaws.
  4. Step 4: Create a Program of Work.
  5. Step 5: Set Officer and General Meetings Dates/Agenda.
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Where is the 2022 National leadership Conference held?

Dallas, Texas
May 4-8, 2022: Dallas, Texas. April 26-30, 2023: Anaheim, California.

What is FBLA’s mission statement?

The mission of FBLA is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. The specific goals of FBLA are to: Develop competent, aggressive business leadership. Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work.

Who is the parliamentary procedure event named after?

Question Answer A Answer D
11. In debate, each member has the right to speak __________ on a motion. Twice four times
12. What is the new pilot event at the National Conference this year? Chapter Website Word Processing
13. Parliamentary Procedure is named after _______. Edward D. Miller Hamden Forkner