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How many points is a 3 mark question?

How many points is a 3 mark question?

You should write at least 6 points for 3 marks.

How many points is a 5 mark question?

Usually for three mark answer, you are expected to write at least three points while for five mark answer, you should write five points. However, at times if you feel that you are not able to cover the three marker question in three points, you may write four points.

How many lines should a 5 mark question be?

You can answer a 5 mark question in 12–15 lines.

How many words should be written for 5 marks?

For any question worth 5 marks the word limit is 200 words, for a 10 mark question it is 350 words, and for a 15 mark question it is 500 words. 3. All questions are compulsory. The marks of each question are indicated against it.

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How many words is 3 marks written?

According to the guidelines prescribed by CBSE, the word limit for 3 marks should be not exceeding 80 words and the word limit for 5 marks should not exceed 120 words.

How do you write a 5 mark question?

You should allocate yourself 5 minutes for the question: 1 minute to plan your answer and 4 minutes to write it. In order to ‘tick the boxes’ for the examiner, you need to give 2 developed points an an example in each point in order to have displayed your ability to analyse and apply your knowledge.

How much should I write for a 5 marks question in English?

Still, one should write an answer of minimum 2–3 pages for a five marks question and 5–6 pages for 10 marks question.

How many lines should a 3 mark question be?

For a 3 mark question, writing a 10 sentence answer is more than enough, as long as it is correct, precise and exact in expression.

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How much should I write for 2 marks?

For a 2-marks question, writing 2-3 lines is sufficient in about 40 words. If it’s English or Social Science, you can extend the answer to not more than 50 words. 😉 Now 5-marks questions are very important.