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How many Soka Gakkai are there?

How many Soka Gakkai are there?

12 million members
Further expansion was led by its former third president Daisaku Ikeda. According to its own account, has 12 million members in 192 countries and territories around the world….Soka Gakkai.

Soka Gakkai flag
Membership +12 million
President Minoru Harada
Website www.sokanet.jp

How many Soka Gakkai members are there in India?

At the time of Ikeda’s 1997 visit, membership of BSG was around 4,000. Five years later it had grown to 10,000. By 2014, it had increased to 70,000, then 100,000 by 2015 and by 2016 to 150,000.

How can I join SGI USA?

The primary way to become a member of the SGI-USA is to receive the Gohonzon. A person receiving the Gohon- zon (Standard or Portable) after fulfilling the guidelines becomes a member of the SGI-USA.

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What is Soka Gakkai?

Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a lay Buddhist association with more than 12 million members in 192 countries and territories worldwide. The SGI movement has its roots in the teachings of Nichiren, a Buddhist monk, who lived in the 13th century Japan.

How many members does the SGI have?

As of 2011, the SGI reported active national organizations in 192 countries and territories with a total of approximately 12 million members. The SGI is independent of the Soka Gakkai (the domestic Japanese organization), although both are headquartered in Tokyo.

How do I contact the SGI-USA?

Contact the SGI-USA. Visit World Tribune or Living Buddhism at the news site to view the latest issues online. Visit the Member Portal to update your address or billing information. Seeking a SGI location outside of the United States?

What is the SGI movement?

The SGI movement has its roots in a humanistic life philosophy whose central message is that every individual has the power to overcome life’s inevitable challenges by bringing about a fundamental transformation in the depths of his or her own life.

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