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How many times I can deposit in PPF account?

How many times I can deposit in PPF account?

12 times
While the maximum investment limit is Rs 1.5 lakh in a financial year, a minimum annual investment of Rs 500 is necessary to keep a PPF account active. An account holder may deposit money maximum 12 times in his/her PPF account in a year.

Can I deposit different amount in PPF account every month Quora?

U can deposit more than 2 times also in a month to a PPF account. The minimum subscription of Rs. 500/- and maximum of Rs. 1, 50,000/- can be made in lumpsum or in 12 installments per financial year.

Can I open PPF twice?

As per the Public Provident Fund (PPF) Scheme rules, an individual cannot have more than one account.

Can we increase PPF installment amount?

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Tenure can be extended A PPF account matures in 15 years. After the account matures, you can either withdraw the entire balance and close the account or extend it for five years with or without making further contributions.

Can I deposit twice in PPF account?

An individual can deposit money into a PPF account, a maximum of 12 times, during a given financial/fiscal year. Also, not more than two deposits can be made to the PPF scheme, during any given month.

Can we vary PPF amount?

You can choose to invest a fixed amount every year or invest varying amounts each year. As per Government rules, your PPF account will give you 0.25\% more than the rate of interest on the 10 Year G-Sec Bond. Historically, the 10 year G-Sec bond has given interest of approximately 7.50\% to 8.0\% per annum.

How can I close my second PPF account?

If you wish to close the account, visit the bank branch /post office where the PPF account is held. A written application to withdraw the proceeds and close the account needs to be given with the original passbook. Bank details for maturity proceeds to be transferred have to be mentioned.

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Can I deposit money twice in PPF account?