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How many types of funds are there?

How many types of funds are there?

Hybrid Schemes

1 Conservative Hybrid Funds A hybrid mutual fund investing predominantly in debt instruments
4 Multi-Asset Allocation Funds A scheme investing in 3 different asset classes.
5 Arbitrage Funds A scheme investing in arbitrage opportunities
6 Equity Savings A scheme investing in equity, arbitrage, and debt

What are the 3 classifications of ETFs?

What are equity ETFs?

  • International ETFs. International ETFs own stocks in companies headquartered outside of the United States.
  • Sector ETFs. Sector ETFs own stocks in companies pursuing similar types of business or offering similar products and services.
  • Dividend ETFs.
  • Market-cap index ETFs.

What are balanced funds?

Balanced funds, also known as hybrid funds, are a class of mutual funds that contain a bond (debt) component and a stock (equity) component in a specific ratio in a single portfolio. These mutual funds help investors diversify their portfolio by investing in asset classes such as equity and debt.

What are the five fund types within the governmental funds?

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According to the GAAFR (the Blue Book), governmental funds are “used to account for activities primarily supported by taxes, grants, and similar revenue sources.” Within the category of Governmental Funds, there are five types: General Fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital projects funds, and …

What are the main types of mutual funds?

What types of mutual funds are there? Most mutual funds fall into one of four main categories – money market funds, bond funds, stock funds, and target date funds. Each type has different features, risks, and rewards. Money market funds have relatively low risks.