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How much do all the electrons in the universe weigh?

How much do all the electrons in the universe weigh?

An electron weighs . 00054 amu or 8.9669 * 10 ^ -31 kg. The negatively charged particle (electron) of any atom is much lighter than the positively…

What is the weight of the observable universe?

Using the critical density and the diameter of the observable universe, the total mass of ordinary matter in the universe can be calculated to be about 1.5 × 1053 kg.

How many electrons are in the observable universe?

The critical density is the equivalent of 5 protons per cubic meter, multiply that by 5\% and you have 1/4 of a proton per cubic meter and there is also an equal number of electrons. It’s about 10^81 in our observable universe (within the defined particle horizon of diameter 92 billion light-years).

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Does an electron weigh 0?

Both protons and neutrons have a mass of 1 amu and are found in the nucleus. However, protons have a charge of +1, and neutrons are uncharged. Electrons have a mass of approximately 0 amu, orbit the nucleus, and have a charge of−1.

How much do atoms weigh?

The atomic mass is useful in chemistry when it is paired with the mole concept: the atomic mass of an element, measured in amu, is the same as the mass in grams of one mole of an element. Thus, since the atomic mass of iron is 55.847 amu, one mole of iron atoms would weigh 55.847 grams….Atomic Masses.


How much bigger is the universe than the observable universe?

For example, one line of thinking is that if the universe expanded at the speed of light during inflation, then it ought to be 10^23 times bigger than the visible universe. Other estimates depend on a number factors and in particular on the curvature of the Universe: whether it is closed, like a sphere, flat or open.

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How many grams are in the universe?

Now, the size of the observable universe is about 14 billion light years, and using the above value of density gives you a mass (dark and luminous matter) of about 3 x 1055 g, which is roughly 25 billion galaxies the size of the Milky Way.

How many quarks are in the known universe?

Now we multiply all the protons and neutrons by three for the quarks, and we have our number. So how many are there? 3.28 x 10 80. Or more than a vigintillionbut less than acentillion.

How many quarks are in the universe?

There are 12 different quarks in total. The number rises to 36 if you take the color charge into account.