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How much do military chaplains get paid?

How much do military chaplains get paid?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) includes military chaplains in the broad category of clergy and reports that their annual median salary is $50,400. The salary can range based on a chaplain’s years of experience, education level, and job location, among other factors.

What rank is chaplain?

5. They hold rank, but not command. In the United States, service members have a constitutional right under the first amendment to engage in religious worship. While chaplains are commissioned officers and can obtain the rank of major general or rear admiral, they will never hold command.

Can chaplains become generals?

They hold rank, but not command In the United States, service members have a constitutional right under the first amendment to engage in religious worship. While chaplains are commissioned officers and can obtain the rank of major general or rear admiral, they will never hold command.

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What is a military Chaplain called?

Chaplains are usually addressed as “Padre” /ˈpɑːdreɪ/, never by their nominal military rank.

How much do Air Force chaplains make?

Average U.S. Air Force Chaplain yearly pay in the United States is approximately $82,639, which is 72\% above the national average.

How much does a chaplain earn?

Chaplain Salaries

Job Title Salary
The Salvation Army Chaplain salaries – 1 salaries reported $29/hr
Swan Christian Education Association Chaplain salaries – 1 salaries reported $73,000/yr
Scripture Union Victoria Chaplain salaries – 1 salaries reported $25/hr
YouthCare Area Chaplain salaries – 1 salaries reported $76,875/yr

How many hours do chaplains work?

1 answer. Typically, A part-time Alacare Hospice Chaplain would expect around 25 hours a week.
