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How much do SCP Foundation workers get paid?

How much do SCP Foundation workers get paid?

How Much Do Work From Home SCP Foundation Jobs Pay per Month?

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $114,500 $55
75th Percentile $80,000 $38
Average $60,775 $29
25th Percentile $28,000 $13

How old do you have to be to join SCP?

We Accept 13+ The age that was set within steam anyone below the age of 13 Are not allowed within SCP Game we don’t want to break any law or guidelines Steam has set out.

How much do SCP agents get paid?

SCP Distributors employees earn $37,500 annually on average, or $18 per hour, which is 55\% lower than the national salary average of $66,000 per year.

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Do SCP employees get paid?

Their payment is quite okay, and maybe have some little benefit from Foundation isually insurance like a normal company. Are given to the researcher that working, handling the SCP or containment specialist.

What is the lost SCP?

Description: SCP-000 is a empty world of the nothingness and pattern screamers. When in SCP-000, it appears that subjects can move for as long as they do. Flashes of monsters will appear just to disappear as if nothing was there.

Is SCP a show?

A live-action web series based on user-generated horror website the SCP Foundation has appeared on YouTube. A live-action web series based on user-generated horror website the SCP Foundation has appeared on YouTube.

What was the first SCP?

SCP-173, also known as “The Sculpture”, “(The) Baby”, or “Peanut” is the main antagonist of SCP – Containment Breach and the first SCP ever contained by the Foundation. SCP-173 is constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint.

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How many SCPs are there in total?

How many Scps are there in total? 5000 contained SCPs, with twice that many things being assessed or classified as anomalous objects. Click to see full answer. Also to know is, how many SCPs are there 2019?

What are SCPs based on?

The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization documented by the web-based collaborative-fiction project of the same name. Within the website’s fictional setting, the SCP Foundation is responsible for locating and containing individuals, entities, locations, and objects that violate natural law (referred to as SCPs).

What SCPs are there?

in: SCPs. An SCP is a designation to an anomolous object, entity, or location that is in containment or has been discovered by the SCP Foundation . The item is given an SCP number as a reference, and stored in a number of sites or is guarded by armed forces. “These are SCPs which have been mentioned in the game but are not seen in-game.