How much is decent amount of money?
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How much is decent amount of money?
A decent amount would be at least average or generous for whatever is being considered. For example, in a restaurant, 15–20\% of the bill would be considered a “decent amount” for a tip for the waiter. Generally decent amount means a reasonable amount of money.
What’s is the meaning of decent?
Definition of decent 1 : marked by moral integrity, kindness, and goodwill hard-working and decent folks it’s very decent of them to help. 2a : conforming to standards of propriety, good taste, or morality decent behavior. b : modestly clothed. 3 : free from immodesty or obscenity decent language.
What is a decent example?
The definition of decent is someone or something that is respectable, modest, proper, or fair and kind. An example of decent is using appropriate language in a formal setting. An example of decent is woman wearing a top that doesn’t show cleavage to a job interview.
Do the decent things mean?
phrase [VERB inflects] If you say that someone should do the decent thing, you mean that they should do something which they do not really want to do, but which you think they ought to do. He should do the decent thing and resign.
Is decent better than good?
As adjectives the difference between decent and good is that decent is (obsolete) appropriate; suitable for the circumstances while good is acting in the interest of good; ethical.
How do we use decent?
Decent sentence example
- You can’t be decent for two seconds, can you?
- She looked decent in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt.
- You’re being decent right now.
- Looks like you could use a decent meal.
- I’m going to get an education and a decent job.
- Still, sometimes he’s decent enough that I think there’s more to him.
Is decent good or bad?
Decent is rather neutral, really. Not especially good, but not bad either. Just ok, acceptable, adequate…
Is Decent the same as okay?
As adjectives the difference between okay and decent is that okay is see while decent is (obsolete) appropriate; suitable for the circumstances.