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How much money do you need to live comfortably in Dublin?

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Dublin?

Summary about cost of living in Dublin, Ireland: Family of four estimated monthly costs are 3,602$ (3,183€) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 1,006$ (889€) without rent.

Is 50000 a good salary in Ireland?

Its a decent salary for a single person especially if bases somewhere other than Dublin/Cork. You may not exactly be “living large” but you wont go hungry and should afford your bills and have some leisure money. If you are supporting a partner and children its ok but not fantastic.

Is a salary of 45K good?

45K is about the basic average for an employee who works FT in the USA. But average only means there are those earning 20K and those earning 70K makes for an average, which mean very little to working people.

How much euro is required to live in Ireland?

What are the living costs for students in Ireland? The estimated cost of living in Ireland for a student for one academic year is €7,000 to €12,000 per year. This includes rent, electricity, food, books, laundry and medicine, as well as travel passes and social expenses, but excludes tuition fees.

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What’s a decent salary in Ireland?

The average annual earnings for employees in Ireland is €40,283 per year or €3,356 per month (gross salary). The average weekly earnings is €812,94, according to the latest Earnings and Labour Costs figures released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO).

What is a high salary in Ireland?

In Ireland, the threshold for the top 10\% of earners starts at gross personal earnings of just under €70,000 (€69,511.01) with the threshold for the top 1\% beginning at just under €190,000 (€189,701.69).

Is 45K a year middle class?

Pew defines “middle class” as a person earning between two-thirds and twice the median American household income, which in 2019 was $68,703, according to the United States Census Bureau. That puts the base salary to be in the middle class just shy of $46,000.

Is $45000 a year low income?

Is $45,000 a year good in comparison to other typical American employees? Recent research suggests so, with the average hourly earnings during May 2021 across all employees coming in at $11.29. This is substantially less than the $21.63 per hour you’d receive on a $45,000 salary.

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What is a good pay in Ireland?