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How old is Cordelia in Angel?

How old is Cordelia in Angel?

After moving to Los Angeles, Cordelia takes a job working for Angel at his detective agency. When Angel premiered in 1999, Carpenter was 29 years old. She continued to portray Cordelia into her 30s, as the character went from somewhat vapid teenager to supernatural being. In season 4, Cordelia goes into a coma.

When did Cordelia die?

Cordelia died in 2004, using her last moments on Earth to aid her friend and love, Angel, and put the disillusioned hero back on his heroic path. After her death, Cordelia became a higher being in the service of The Powers That Be.

Why did they kill off Cordelia?

The director of the show had Charisma Carpenter written out of the show in what can only be described as discrimination. The character of Cordelia became pregnant partly because the actress was pregnant in real life, but the director decided at that point not to have her come back for the last season.

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Why was Cordelia written off Angel?

Back in 2003, Joss seemingly wrote off Charisma Carpenter’s character (Cordelia Chase) from Angel because he was upset that she was pregnant. The actress told her side of the story several months later, in February of 2021, and her post has gone viral.

How old is Wesley Buffy?

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Portrayed by Alexis Denisof
Sex Male
Age 30s

How old is Connor in Angel?

Connor returns near the end of the season as a feral teenage warrior who is vindictive towards Angel. Connor’s age at his return is disputed: both the creators and episodes vary between putting him at 16 and 18.

Who does Cordelia have a baby with?

Cordelia had been taken over by the dark entity Jasmine (Gina Torres), which got pregnant so it could give birth to itself. Season 4 rewrote much of Cordelia’s previous character arc, reframing her growth and agency as deliberate maneuvering to bring her under Jasmine’s influence.

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Does Angel get with Cordelia?

Later, in Angel’s perfect-day dream sequence, Angel and Cordelia consummated their relationship, but Angel called out “Buffy!” as he lost his soul, just as he did in Sunnydale years earlier.

Does Angel Date Cordelia?

In the episode “Waiting in the Wings”, Angel realizes he has romantic feelings for Cordelia, but is prevented from voicing them by the return of Groosalugg. Cordelia dates Groosalugg for the remainder of the season, but Groo notices she loves Angel instead and decides to leave.