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How scripted is the Dream SMP?

How scripted is the Dream SMP?

Some of it is scripted and planned out, driving a larger story, but many of the reactions and circumstances are totally improvised. Like a television show or cinematic universe, Dream SMP found its audience through a series of never-ending epic battles.

Is the whole Dream SMP scripted?

Dream SMP is just that: The player Dream’s survival multiplayer server, where top Minecraft celebrities have constructed an ongoing, mostly improvised narrative over dozens of combined hours of livestreaming. Dream SMP has a small and exclusive writers room.

Who made the Dream SMP script?

The Dream SMP was created by Dream and GeorgeNotFound in April or May 2020 as a small server for a few friends. It quickly gained popularity, in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic and collaborations across various YouTube channels.

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Can anyone play on the Dream SMP?

While it’s a lot of fun to watch everyone on the server and simply becoming a part of their journey is a joy to have by itself, fans can’t help but wonder whether they could join in on the fun too. Dream SMP has a server IP, but it’s only given out to players that were invited to the server.

Why did Tommy get exiled in the dream SMP?

Tommy denied any connection he had to the crime, despite the others stating that they were suspicious of his involvement. They later spoke with Dream, before he requested to speak privately with Tubbo. He then demanded that Tommy be exiled as a punishment for his deeds.

Is the dream SMP scripted?

Yes, the Dream SMP is indeed scripted. Dream SMP member Wilbur Soot even went on this week on his twitter stating some of the Dream SMP Wars are scripted. For example, the Manberg War they recently had.

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What is the dream SMP before Tommy joins?

Era dates: April 24, 2020 (server creation)—July 4, 2020 (Tommy joins) The “Before Tommy Era” was the beginning of the Dream SMP. In the beginning, the server was introduced as the survival world and only composed of the Dream Team and a few close friends. Everyone lived close to each other and the Community House was the core of the server.

When does the early dream SMP arc start?

Early Dream SMP Arc BT (Before Tommy) Era dates: April 24, 2020 (server creation)—July 4, 2020 (Tommy joins) The “Before Tommy Era” was the beginning of the Dream SMP. In the beginning, the server was introduced as the survival world and only composed of the Dream Team and a few close friends.

Is it disrespectful to send hate towards the dream SMP?

It is highly disrespectful to send hate towards anyone so please refrain from doing so at any point. The Dream SMP (formerly known as the Dream Team SMP ), is a private, whitelisted survival multiplayer (SMP) Minecraft server played on by the Dream Team and their friends.