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How to socialize a blind cat?

How to socialize a blind cat?

To let your blind cat know when someone is near, attach a small bell to your shoe or pant leg and to the collars of any other pets in the house. Speak to your cat when you enter or leave a room. To avoid startling your cat, speak to her when you are approaching to touch her (especially while she’s sleeping).

Can blind cats live with other cats?

How to introduce a blind cat to your other pets. Again, you’ll want to slowly introduce a blind cat to other pets—just as you would with a new sighted cat. Keep them separated initially, allowing them to smell and hear each other through the door.

Should I put my blind cat down?

Yes, blind cats can live happy and normal life. It will soon adjust to its blindness and you should not consider putting it down. It is very cruel to consider putting your cat down unless it is extremely ill and affected and there is no other option. There are many ways in which you can care for your cat.

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Can a cat recover from blindness?

In some cases the underlying cause of the blindness will be reversible and normal vision may return. However, in other cases, even if the underlying cause is resolved, the damage to the sight may be permanent and there may be no change or improvement in the cat’s vision.

How do you accommodate a blind cat?

How to look after blind cats

  1. Keep your blind cat indoors, ensuring they have access to a safely-fenced garden or run if necessary.
  2. Encourage your cat to walk around on their own and avoid carrying them.
  3. When you approach your cat, talk to them as you approach them to avoid startling them.

How do you entertain a blind cat?

Toys that make sounds, give off scents or contain treats are enjoyable to a blind cat. Be creative. Noisy toys such as balls with bells in them or something as simple as a scrunched-up paper bag will provide stimulation. Many blind cats learn how to dribble paper balls or jingly toys across a room.

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How long does it take a blind cat to adjust?

Be Patient. For cats afflicted with a sudden onset of blindness, it may take several weeks to adjust to their vision loss. Cats that have been losing their vision over time cope much better, as they have had time to adapt gradually as their vision decreased.
