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How to use ZigBee with microcontroller?

How to use ZigBee with microcontroller?

Give +5V power supply to 8051 Development board; connect the +5V adapter with ZigBee module which is connected with the 8051 Development board. There are two ZigBee modules are used. One is connected with 8051 Development board UART0; other one is connected with PC.

How to interface ZigBee with?

Steps to Interface ZigBee with Arduino Step 1:- Run the X-Ctu software to configure the ZigBee module. Step 2:- The ZigBee modules can communicate via Arduino boards using the code. A simple code for sending serial data is given below. Void setup( ) // Initialization settings; then only runs the function.

What is XBee Arduino?

The Xbee shield allows an Arduino board to communicate wirelessly using Zigbee. It is based on the Xbee module from MaxStream. The module can communicate up to 100 feet indoors or 300 feet outdoors (with line-of-sight).

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What is XBee RF module?

Digi XBee is more than a module. It’s a complete ecosystem of RF modules, gateways, adapters, and software, all engineered to accelerate wireless development for global deployments. One socket allows you to connect to IoT networks around the globe.

Why is XBee so expensive?

Zigbee devices are typically more expensive because they have to comply with various specifications from the Zigbee Alliance – giving rise to various subtle benefits compared to non-Zigbee devices.

How do I connect XBee to Arduino?

Just hook up the XBee module to the Explorer board and plug it with the laptop using USB cable. If you don’t have any converter or explorer board, then an Arduino board can be used as a USB to serial device which can easily communicate with the XBee and laptop.

How do I connect XBee modules?

Add XBee modules to XCTU

  1. Connect two XBee modules to your computer using the USB cables.
  2. Launch XCTU.
  3. Click the Configuration working modes button .
  4. Click the Discover radio modules button .
  5. In the Discover radio devices dialog, select the serial ports where you want to look for XBee modules, and click Next.
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Is XBee compatible with Zigbee?

Digi XBee® and Digi XBee-PRO Zigbee RF modules provide cost effective wireless connectivity to electronic devices. They are interoperable with other Zigbee PRO feature set devices, including devices from other vendors*.

Is XBee same as Zigbee?

XBee is a family of radio modules and is a registered trademark of Digi International. Zigbee is a wireless communications protocol and a registered trademark of the Zigbee Alliance. XBee is a brand name that refers to a family of devices from Digi International.

Is XBee a Bluetooth?

Your Digi XBee 3 radio module now has Bluetooth activated and will allow secure connections from the XBee Mobile application. You can leave the XBIB evaluation board connected to the computer for power, or change to a portable USB battery power supply to go fully wireless.

How do I connect XBee to my computer?

Follow the steps below:

  1. Plug your XBee into your XBee Explorer, and plug the Explorer into your computer.
  2. Open XCTU.
  3. Hit Test/Query to make sure you can communicate with your XBee WiFi.
  4. Click over to the “Modem Configuration” tab.
  5. Select “Active Scan” near the top of the scrolling window.
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