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How tough is Trex?

How tough is Trex?

Previous studies tried to quantify how strong the T. rex’s bite was. One study in 2012 said the beast had bitten down with about 12,800 pounds of force, while older studies put that estimate at more than 50,000 pounds.

Can you kill a T-Rex?

A . 50 caliber machine gun is the preferred weapon for T-Rex. “There will be blood.” Some hunters think this is too much gun for a T-Rex, because they are looking to mount a trophy, but all you need to do is avoid hitting the head.

What animal can kill a Trex?

There is no animal alive that a T-rex could effectively hunt. Elephants are simply far too fast for a T-rex.

How many bullets would it take to kill a T-Rex?

Rx.” To reliably kill an adult tyrannosaurus, he asserts, your ammo must have a T. Rx value of at least 93. If you think the animal might be in heavy bush, wounded, or otherwise pissed off, you may need something with a T. Rx value of 106 or more.

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Why is Trex so strong?

The fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex could generate tremendous bone-crushing bite forces thanks to a stiff lower jaw. That stiffness stemmed from a boomerang-shaped bit of bone that braced what would have been an otherwise flexible jawbone, a new analysis suggests.

Was T Rex the strongest?

Dinosaur still no match for prehistoric “megatooth” sharks. Once the largest known carnivore on land, Tyrannosaurus rex also had the most powerful bite of any terrestrial animal of any time period, a new study suggests. (Related video: “T.

What if T. rex was alive today?

Among them was the most powerful terrestrial predator to have ever lived, the Tyrannosaurus rex. If T. rex were alive today, chances are they’d be an endangered species. Their terrifying reputation would be no match for the habitat loss, pollution, and food shortages caused by humans.

Could a gun take down a dinosaur?

Weapons like a Barrett 50 caliber or something similar could probably bring down most dinosaurs but would require careful shot placement as with hunting any large game. Guns chambered in 375 H&H would likely bring down many dinosaurs as that is a common round for big game hunting in Africa.