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How useful is learning Russian?

How useful is learning Russian?

Russian is not only useful within the country itself. Russian is still taught as the second language in most of Eastern Europe, therefore children grow up able to converse in several languages, from very early on. One of the benefits of learning Russian, is that it is a mostly standardised language.

Why is it important to study Russia?

It is the world’s largest producer of natural gas, third largest producer of oil and fourth largest in terms of the mining of coal. Russia has an estimated 40\% of the world total reserves of natural gas. Russia’s proven oil reserves are second only to Saudi Arabia’s, and it is the top oil producer in the world.

Should I study Russian?

You’ll better understand the diverse Russian culture. In fact, language and culture influence each other! The only way to truly understand another culture is to learn the language of its people. As such, another great reason to study Russian is that it will allow you to discover the rich culture and history of Russia.

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Is Russian richer than English?

Steven Frank, the author of The Pen Commandments claims that English has 500,000 words with German having about 135,000 and French having fewer than 100,000….Counting the Words in the Dictionary.

Language Words in the Dictionary
Italian 260,000
English 171,476
Russian 150,000
Spanish 93,000

Is learning Russian Impressive?

Russian is one of the coolest sounding languages in the world, and your ability to speak it fluently will be sure to impress. Especially if someone calls you up randomly and you have to start speaking it on the phone!

Is Russian easier than Japanese?

After reading through all the differences, Russian probably comes across as the easier language to learn. And it is! For native English speakers, Russian is categorized as taking 44 weeks to learn (or 1,100 hours), while Japanese takes 88 weeks (2,200 hours).