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How will you prepare nitrobenzene and chlorobenzene from benzene?

How will you prepare nitrobenzene and chlorobenzene from benzene?

We can convert benzene in m-nitro chlorobenzene by nitration of benzene followed by chlorination of the compound formed by nitration. Step-By-Step answer: Nitration of benzene happens when one or more than one hydrogen atom from the benzene ring is replaced by a nitro group.

Which reagent is most suitable for preparing chlorobenzene from benzene?

How will you prepare chlorobenzene from Benzene. Benzene react with chloride in the presence of ferric chloride to form chlorobenzene.

How do you convert chlorobenzene to nitrobenzene?

Answer: choloro benzene reacts with H2/Ni then formed benzene then benzene reacts with H2SO4,HNO3 then we get nitro benzene.

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How do you convert chlorobenzene to Bromobenzene?

Reactions of chlorobenzene to bromobenzene

  1. First, chlorobenzene reacts with magnesium in ether medium. It gives phenyl magnesium chloride which has grignard reagent characteristics.
  2. Then add water to phenyl magnesium bromide to hydrolyze the grignard reagent. Benzene is given as the organic product.

How would you convert benzene into?

To convert benzene to nitrobenzene, a nitro group is introduced into the benzene ring. It is then heated with a mixture of concentric nitric acid and concentrated sulphuric acid.

How do you convert benzene to nitro benzene?

Benzene is nitrated by replacing one of the hydrogen atoms on the benzene ring by a nitro group, NO2. The benzene is treated with a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and concentrated sulphuric acid at a temperature not exceeding 50°C. The mixture is held at this temperature for about half an hour.

How do you add chlorine to benzene?

Chlorine adds to benzene in the presence of ultraviolet light. With methylbenzene under those conditions, you get substitution in the methyl group. That is energetically easier because it doesn’t involve breaking the delocalized electron system.

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Can be converted to benzene by the treatment with?

Firstly, the n-Hexane molecule undergoes cyclization to form a cyclohexane compound. This cyclohexane compound undergoes aromatisation in the presence of high temperature of 770 K to form the benzene molecule. So, the correct answer is Option C .

How is benzene converted to P Nitro?

The mixture of p-nitrotoluene and o-nitrotoluene can be separated by fractional distillation. Thus, benzene is converted p-nitrotoluene by converting benzene to toluene then toluene to a mixture of o-nitrotoluene and p-nitrotoluene and then separating the mixture by fractional distillation to get p-nitrotoluene.