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In what ways do you normally find out about news and current events?

In what ways do you normally find out about news and current events?

Newspapers, magazines, and other news sources are most likely to have up-to-date information on a current event. Scholarly sources take longer than news sources to research, write, and publish. However, you may find information about similar past events that will be useful to your research in scholarly sources.

How do I find a current event article?

Best Databases for scholarly and popular articles on current events!

  1. Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) Best Database to start.
  2. Gale Opposing ViewPoints in Context.
  3. Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
  4. GreenFILE (EBSCO)
  5. Health Source – Consumer Edition (EBSCO)

How can I learn more about current affairs?

Listen to news podcasts. There are many news podcasts that summarize each day’s events in 15-30 minute segments. If you’re short on time and want the highlights, subscribe to a news podcast so you can stay well-informed without spending time searching for updated current events.

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What is news and information?

News is information that is published in newspapers and broadcast on radio and television about recent events in the country or world or in a particular area of activity. Those are some of the top stories in the news.

How do I find news articles by date?

The Google News Archive contains newspaper articles from hundreds of newspapers, limited by the date ranges listed beneath each newspaper. Just type the keyword or words you are looking for into the Google News search bar, and then click on Search Archive.

How do I find news articles by authors?

If you spot an article by a specific journalist, you can click their name to bring up other articles they’ve written: You can also search for articles by a specific journalist under Advanced Search or by searching their name after “author:” in the Google News search box.

How do I find local news stories?

Here are some tips for localizing stories:

  1. Check University Ties.
  2. Check Military Connections.
  3. Check for Volunteers.
  4. Check Business Connections.
  5. Check With International Adoption Groups.
  6. Check With Immigrant or Refugee Communities.
  7. Check Out Local Impact of National Stories.
  8. Check Out Local Involvement in Events Elsewhere.
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How do I find news online?

To start, go to Google’s home page. Click on the grid on the right-hand side and choose News from the drop down menu. This brings up a page full of news headlines. Type a particular search for news into the search box and Google will search news websites or the entire internet for stories related to that subject.

How do you stay current?

Here are 13 ways you can stay current with technology trends:

  1. Join a professional organization.
  2. Find a mentor.
  3. Attend industry conferences and tech events.
  4. Devote time daily to tech news.
  5. Connect with social media.
  6. Prioritize learning.
  7. Share ideas with your peers.
  8. Watch TED talks.