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Is 88 a good Pte score?

Is 88 a good Pte score?

These English language proficiency tests are generally accepted by educational institutions in countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and USA….PTE, TOEFL, AND IELTS EQUIVALENTS.

PTE Academic overall Score Overall TOEFL Score
50 74 or 75
53 79 or 80
59 87 or 88
64 94

Is 86 good in English?

An 86 is considered above the national average, so definitely not a bad grade. If you’re an A student, then this may be considered a “bad” grade to you, and it will also affect your GPA.

What is a decent score in PTE?

IELTS Vs TOEFL Vs PTE Academic – Score Comparison

VERY GOOD 8.5 83-85
VERY GOOD 8 74-84
GOOD 7.5 73-77
GOOD 7 64-72

Is 86 a bad mark?

No mark was given….Alberta.

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Letter Percent
A 87\%–94\%
A− 80\%–87\%
B+ 77\%–79\%
B 74\%–76\%

What is an 86 percent grade?

3.1 GPA is equivalent to 86\% on percentile scale 3.1 GPA is considered as ‘B’ grade.

Is 85 a good score in PTE?

PTE Academic Score: 85 – 90 This is the highest level of English ability we can measure. At this level, you would be extremely comfortable engaging in academic and work activities at all levels. At this level, test takers: Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.

What is the least score in PTE?

The lowest score in the PTE test is 10 which is the equivalent of zero in traditional tests. Your score for each skill in the PTE test is expressed in numbers between 10 the lowest and 90 the highest point. The lowest average score that can be used for a TR application is an average of 50 across all skills.

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Is 87 a good score in PTE?

Secondly, the test-takers speak to a computer during the speaking section and this may make them less stressed than speaking to a interviewee for IELTS….Converting PTE Score To IELTS Score.

PTE Score range IELTS Brand
86 and above 9
83-85 8.5
79-82 8
73-78 7.5