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Is a chainsaw a melee weapon?

Is a chainsaw a melee weapon?

As the title says, the Chainsaw is not considered a 2H melee weapon. I run a 2H melee build with all the perks, and none of them affect the Chainsaw in any way. Not even the perk which reduces every melee weapon weight.

Will a chainsaw cut through a car?

Stihl makes a chainsaw that can cut through a car. It has carbide teeth and is marketed as a concrete cutter, but also goes through heavy rebar. A steady stream of water must be supplied.

How do you stop a chainsaw?

To stop your chainsaw from getting stuck, make a cut on top of the log or tree that’s preferably one-third of the log’s diameter. Use your chainsaw to cut from the underside until you meet the initial top cut. Always stand on the side when cross-cutting to prevent injury.

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Why are chainsaws bad weapons?

Chainsaws make poor weapons. While they cause a lot of damage to the enemy, they suffer many problems as weapons. They are poorly balanced for fighting and very heavy. They require fuel or power to operate.

Will a chainsaw cut metal?

Yes, chainsaws can cut through metal. You also need a powerful chainsaw with a chain that has metallic reinforcement or a carbide-tipped chain. In general, it is not advised to use a chainsaw to cut metal, use a specialized metal saw instead. A normal home chainsaw is not built to cut through metal.

How effective is a chainsaw as a weapon?

Parrying with it can cause chain failure. Chain failure can injure the wielder. Most failures make the chainsaw ineffective as a weapon. They are only effective in melee fighting. I’d like to especially highlight the points of failure.

What happens if you touch a chainsaw?

A chainsaw is a deadly weapon that can severely injure, mutilate or kill you with a single touch. So if you are not 100\% confident that you can beat the attacker easily, you should run. The weight of the chainsaw alone will ensure that the attacker will be slower than you.

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How do you fight a Chainsaw Man?

Attack to the head to drive the chin upward to carry him back. Leap backward to avoid a slash across the abdomen, move to the outside to attack. If you find yourself wrestling for the chainsaw, remember that resistance has a direction, push until he pushes back then pull to imbalance.

Can a chainsaw cut through armor?

A chainsaw would not cut through plate armor, would get stuck in chainmail, have a difficult time going through a gambeson (while the owner is stabbing you in the face), be cumbersome to wield, and generally is quite a finicky machine which requires spare parts, maintenance, and fuel.