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Is a Horcrux a Phylactery?

Is a Horcrux a Phylactery?

They are not functionally the same; the ‘Phylactery’ as most commonly depicted holds a person’s soul in its entirety, whereas the ‘Hocrux’ as created by J.K. Rowling holds a piece of one’s soul, which can even form independant thoughts, which leaves the original Horcrux-maker in a weakened mental state but prevents …

Where did the word Horcrux come from?

According to series author J.K. Rowling, the invented term Horcrux has no specific etymology, although fans have created their own largely based on the word’s resemblance to the Latin crux, or “cross.” Rowling writes that it was devised by the random “transposition of syllables” during a brainstorming session.

What is the Horcrux ritual?

It involves murdering someone to cause the initial tear in the soul, followed by moving the soul into the new Horcrux using a Charm. This much is stated explicitly in canon by Slughorn and Dumbledore. Rowling has stated that the Horcrux-to-be is prepared ahead of the murder using dark magic.

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What is a lich’s phylactery?

A phylactery (also sometimes called a jar) was the name given to the repository used to store the life force of a lich. A cleric or mage had to create such a phylactery in order to become a lich, and it was necessary for the lich to maintain its undead state and escape being destroyed.

What scriptures are in phylacteries?

The extracts are Exodus 13:1–10, 11–16; and Deuteronomy 6:4–9, 11:13–21. Reform Jews interpret the biblical commandment in a figurative sense and, hence, do not wear phylacteries. Because of rabbinic indecision about the exact sequence of the four scriptural passages, very pious Jews may have two pairs of phylacteries.

What are the different horcruxes?

Lord Voldemort’s had only seven Horcruxes:

  • Tom Riddle’s diary.
  • Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring.
  • Salazar Slytherin’s Locket.
  • Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup.
  • Rowena Ravenclaw’s Diadem.
  • Harry Potter (unknown to Voldemort until after he had “destroyed” him) -> Destroyed in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.
  • Nagini the Snake.
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How do Horcruxes make you immortal?

A single horcrux is enough to make him immortal. If his soul is split two-way then even if a person performs killing curse half his soul is still intact making him unkillable until that is destroyed.