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Is a vasectomy painful for a man?

Is a vasectomy painful for a man?

You may feel some discomfort or pain after your vasectomy, but you shouldn’t be in terrible pain. You may also have some bruising and/or swelling for a few days. Wearing snug underwear that doesn’t let your testicles move too much, taking over-the-counter pain medication, and icing your genitals can help ease any pain.

Do men get an erection during a vasectomy?

Men will still be able to get and maintain an erection and they’ll still produce testosterone and sperm. We’re just making it so the sperm can’t get out.

How does a man feel after a vasectomy?

Your semen quality, amount, and texture won’t change noticeably after a vasectomy. The sensation of ejaculation during an orgasm shouldn’t feel any different at all. You may find that your first few ejaculations after the procedure are uncomfortable. This discomfort will diminish over time.

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How bad does a vasectomy hurt?

The procedure itself shouldn’t be painful, but you might feel a small pinch with the anesthetic injection before the area goes numb. Some men report a pulling or tugging sensation when the vas deferens tubes are handled during vasectomy, but discomfort generally lasts just a few moments.

Does it hurt to pee after vasectomy?

You have symptoms of a urinary tract infection. These may include: Pain or burning when you urinate. A frequent need to urinate without being able to pass much urine.

What can’t you do after a vasectomy?

Limit activity after surgery. You’ll need to rest for 24 hours after surgery. You can probably do light activity after two or three days, but you’ll need to avoid sports, lifting and heavy work for a week or so. Overdoing it could cause pain or bleeding inside the scrotum.

Can I sit in a chair after a vasectomy?

The first few days after a vasectomy are all about rest. Even if you feel good, don’t do anything even remotely close to strenuous activity. You should spend most of the first 48 hours post-surgery sitting down, icing your scrotum with your feet elevated.

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What’s the first step in getting a vasectomy?

Vasectomy – The Procedure Step-By-Step

  • First, a local anesthetic is administered, which results in a pain-free procedure.
  • Your surgeon will make a small opening in the scrotum.
  • The ends of the vas deferens are then cauterized and sealed with titanium clips and placed back inside the scrotum.

What is the average age for a man to get a vasectomy?

The average person getting a vasectomy was also found to have one to three children. Research in the American Journal of Men’s Health found that the average age for a vasectomy was about 35, with the typical age range for the procedure between the ages of 30 and 56.