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Is Army OCS like basic training?

Is Army OCS like basic training?

Army Officer Candidate School (OCS) is more challenging compared to Basic Combat Training (BCT). While both training courses push you to the limits in terms of physical fitness, there is more stress on leadership qualities at OCS.

Is OCS harder than bootcamp?

The primary reasons being that, unlike enlisted boot camp, you can request to drop out of OCS and since OCS is a selection process, they are looking for reasons to get rid of you. The combination of those two factors makes OCS much more mentally challenging than boot camp.

Do you go to TBS right after OCS?

A: From OCC to TBS, there is usually no wait–you commission and then go check into TBS immediately. From PLC, you will have a long wait, maybe 6 to 9 months after commissioning. For PLC, you commission once you graduate college, since you did OCS over the summers.

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What should I do after OCS?

After OCS, a newly commissioned officer will attend Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC). This is a three-phase training program designed to provide initial military training for junior commissioned and warrant officers in both active and reserve components.

What happens after basic training Air Force?

After basic, you attend Advanced Individual Training (AIT). AIT is where you learn the necessary skills needed for entry-level at your Air Force career. This technical training depends on your career. There are several Air Force careers, and most of the training for the careers happen between four bases.

Does OCS replace basic?

Under the 9D OCS enlistment program, NPS applicants are guaranteed enrollment in OCS, upon completion of basic training. PS applicants go directly to OCS, skipping basic.

Does OCS have the Crucible?

The SULE II that the Crucible was based on (2-3 days of fun in the sun) is no more at OCS.

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What is the Quigley at OCS?

He stated, those that train candidates “are as much a part of it (“The Quigley”) as the barb wire and culverts that make it up.” The Commanding Officer of OCS, Col. Ahmed T. Williamson highlighted that all Marines assigned to OCS have an important mission.