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Is being a Texas State Trooper a good job?

Is being a Texas State Trooper a good job?

Very good job. This department builds confidence and is a very serious job. We place our lives on the line so others can live. We keep the people, property and roads in the State of Texas safe. Confidence and keeping the people in the State safe is the most rewarding.

Is a state trooper a stressful job?

Typical Law Enforcement job. Long hours and you will work on weekends, holidays, and nights. This job can be very stressful if you have a family life.

How many hours does a Texas State Trooper work?

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How are the working hours at State Trooper? For a Texas State Trooper, the standard shift schedule is a 10hr work day, 2 weeks days and 2 weeks nights, 2 days off a… How many days off do state troopers have each year? All goverment holidays.

Whats it like being a state trooper?

In addition to enforcing the law, troopers are often called to assist stranded, distressed or injured motorists. In these and other situations, troopers might find themselves having to work outside in extreme weather. Working as a trooper can be physically demanding, stressful and sometimes dangerous.

Is it difficult to become a Texas state trooper?

The application process to become a Texas State Trooper is quite competitive, but new recruits are always needed. During recruit training, the initial salary is $4,623 per month. Upon successful graduation from LEE training, the starting monthly salary for a probationary Texas State Trooper is $5,051.

What are the benefits of being a Texas state trooper?

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Top 10 Reasons to Join Texas DPS

  • Competitive salaries and benefits such as health insurance (no cost for employee), State of Texas Retirement System with supplemental law enforcement benefits, 401k, 457K, and Veteran’s Education Benefits Program.
  • Vacation and sick leave accruals monthly (13 paid holidays per year)

Where is the Maryland State Police Academy?

Sykesville, Maryland
If you are a successful applicant, you will attend the Maryland State Police Training Academy in Sykesville, Maryland.

What kind of cars do Texas state troopers drive?

As of 2019, the Highway Patrol fleet consists primarily of Chevrolet Tahoes and Ford Police Interceptor Utilities.

How is it like to be a cop?

Working as a police officer can be satisfying, rewarding, saddening, lonely, and fulfilling—all during the same shift. The job pays pretty well and the benefits are typically very good, but each day can present—and probably will present—a new challenge.

How do I become a highway patrol officer in Texas?

Steps to Becoming a Texas State Trooper

  1. Submit an online application, which includes a background investigation questionnaire.
  2. Pass the physical readiness test.
  3. Pass the Trooper Trainee exam.
  4. Complete a polygraph exam.
  5. Complete an oral board interview.
  6. Complete a psychological evaluation.
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How much do Texas state troopers earn?

The average salary for a State Trooper is $64,880 per year in United States, which is 10\% lower than the average Texas Department of Public Safety salary of $72,580 per year for this job.

What is a Texas State Trooper salary?

State Trooper Salary in Texas

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $77,085 $37
75th Percentile $54,048 $26
Average $49,251 $24
25th Percentile $38,542 $19