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Is bifenthrin poisonous to humans?

Is bifenthrin poisonous to humans?

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified Bifenthrin as highly toxic on ingestion. If your customers or their children are exposed to Bifen before they have diluted it, they should contact their local poison control agency.

Is bifenthrin harmful to pets?

Bifenthrin is a type of insecticide used in yards and around homes to treat for ants and a variety of other insects. Unfortunately, it is toxic to pets if they eat the granules or lick the spray residue. Pets will have tremors or seizures as a sign of toxicity. Avoid using this chemical to protect your pets.

Is bifenthrin safe to breathe?

When bifenthrin gets on the skin, it can cause tingling, itching, burning, or numbness at the site of contact. Inhaling bifenthrin can irritate the nose, throat, and lungs. People who ate large amounts of bifenthrin experienced sore throat, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting almost immediately.

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Will bifenthrin hurt dogs?

Bifen should not harm your dogs as long as you follow the product label instructions and you keep your animals out of the treated area until it has had a chance to dry.

How often can you spray Bifen?

Bifen IT can be re-applied every 30 days. It is not recommended to use Bifen IT and Bifen Granules together in the same place. It would only be doubling up the amount of product in the area and that will cause the insects to become immune more quickly.

Can you use Bifen indoors?

It is labeled for residential, institutional, public, recreational areas, athletic fields and commercial applications. Bifen IT may be used indoors and outdoors; Bifen IT can last up to 6 months outside.

Which is better bifenthrin or permethrin?

Answer: Bifen I/T is our most popular choice for mosquito control. Bifen I/T would also be a better solution then permethrin because permethrin breaks down quicker in sunlight and the Bifen I/T only needs to be applied every 30 days whereas permethrin would need to be applied every two weeks.

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Is bifenthrin a carcinogen?

The U.S. EPA classified bifenthrin as a Category C, possible human carcinogen. This rating is based on an increased rate of urinary bladder tumors in mice, adenoma and adenocarcinoma of the liver in male mice, and bronchioalveolar adenomas and adenocarcinomas of the lung in some female mice.

Is Bifen it rain proof?

Bifen is no exception. It can withstand a small amount of rain, up to 1/4″, but any more than that and it needs to be reapplied. It is water based, mixes with water and dilutes with water.

Can dogs go around Bifen?

Answer: Please wait at least 2 hours or until the Bifen XTS treated area has dried. After completely dried it is safe for people and pets to be around. 31 of 34 people found this answer helpful.