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Is binary code the same as Morse code?

Is binary code the same as Morse code?

The big difference is that Morse code uses a variable length encoding and depends on things like pauses in between to encode characters, while binary (as used in most computers today) uses a fixed-length encoding (in general).

Is Morse code a programming language?

Not so much “programming” no. Morse code is closer to just a set of pre-designed mappings of patterns to glyphs. I.e. Morse code is something similar to ASCII code. It doesn’t give instructions, and it doesn’t have branching concepts.

What are binary code concepts?

binary code, code used in digital computers, based on a binary number system in which there are only two possible states, off and on, usually symbolized by 0 and 1. A binary code signal is a series of electrical pulses that represent numbers, characters, and operations to be performed.

What does zero mean in Morse code?


Digit Morse
0 dah-dah-dah-dah-dah
1 di-dah-dah-dah-dah
2 di-di-dah-dah-dah
3 di-di-di-dah-dah
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Is Morse code inefficient?

To put it another way, Morse code achieved 91\% of the efficiency that it could have achieved with the same codes. This is relative to Google’s English corpus. A different corpus would give slightly different results. By that measure Morse code is about 93.5\% efficient.

Is Morse code the same in every language?

No. Morse code encodes the letters of the English language. It doesn’t encode words. If you want to use it for other languages you will have to map the alphabet, for European languages, that is languages using the Latin alphabet, this is usually done by simply dropping all diacritical marks.

Is binary code a programming language?

Binary is a number system. Programming language is what a computer or machine understands. Only Machine language (a programming language) happens to be binary. All other programming languages are not binary.