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Is CDS exam very tough?

Is CDS exam very tough?

Candidates qualifying the written exam and SSB Interview are offered admission to Indian Military Academy (IMA), Indian Naval Academy (INA), Officers’ Training Academy (OTA) and Air Force Academy (AFA)….Overall CDS Exam Analysis by Students.

Sections Difficulty Level
Total Moderate to Difficult

Which is tougher CDS or CSE?

The UPSC CDS General Knowledge Paper is considered to be easier compared to the UPSC CSE Prelims Papers. This section of the UPSC CDS requires a thorough reading of Class 9 and 10 NCERT Science and Social Science which is also a part of UPSC CSE Exam Syllabus.

Which is tougher CDS or Afcat?

My cousin have qualified both exams and without a doubt, CDS is the toughest one. The reason being that the CDS paper is created by the UPSC, whereas AFCAT is prepared by the Indian Air Force. So you have to think a lot when attempting CDS questions, it tests your conceptual knowledge.

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Is UPSC tougher than NEET?

After analysing the level of questions that appears in various exams, UPSC is undoubtedly the toughest one. However, NEET is one of the toughest national level exams in India as well.

Which is the toughest exam NEET or UPSC?

Bibhuti Jha said, UPSC is tougher than NEET, this is because in NEET you have a limited syllabus but in UPSC there is no limitation. Moreover, the questions can come from any field. It can be from Gk, GS and many other subjects which test the knowledge of the aspirants.”

Can I join Indian Air Force through CDS?

COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICES (CDS) for Male Graduates in Flying Branch. As a Graduate/ Engineer, candidates can enter the Flying branch through the Air Force Academy where shortlisted candidates are trained as a Fighter pilot or a Helicopter pilot or a Transport pilot and are part of various peace and wartime missions.