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Is CORBA obsolete?

Is CORBA obsolete?

Yes, CORBA is rarely specified for new systems. But, there are plenty of live systems that you might want or need to connect to using their CORBA interface, as it was very popular from the early 1990s, for about twenty years, and live systems often last many decades.

Is CORBA used today?

CORBA is still present in the heart of Java EE application servers in the form of IIOP as the transport for remote EJB calls. There are projects that started development at a time when CORBA was a good choice that are still in use and the risk of re-writing means they are probably going to remain in use for some time.

What happened to CORBA?

CORBA suffered another blow when the Internet bubble burst in early 2002. The industry’s financial collapse drove many software companies out of the market and forced the survivors to refocus their efforts. The result was significant attrition in the number of commercial CORBA products.

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Is CORBA a legacy?

One can look at CORBA the same way as the half-empty/half-full glass: on one hand, CORBA is dated legacy cruft, and on the other hand it’s relatively stable with several implementations available and the “devil you know”.

What are the disadvantages of CORBA?


  • Extra download time. To be able to communicate with another CORBA object, the Java applet running in a Web browser needs an ORB to talk to.
  • Complex technology.
  • No shipping of live objects.
  • Availability of CORBAservices.

What is the purpose of IDL in CORBA?

The CORBA Interface Definition Language, or IDL, allows the development of language and location-independent interfaces to distributed objects. Using CORBA, application components can communicate with one another no matter where they are located, or who has designed them.

Why is CORBA necessary?

CORBA provides a high degree of interoperability. This insures that distributed objects built on top of different CORBA products can communicate. Large companies do not need to mandate a single CORBA product for all development.

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What is the function of object request broker in Object Request Broker paradigm?

The Object Request Broker (ORB) is the central component of CORBA. The ORB provides the required infrastructure to identify and locate objects, handle connection management, deliver data, and request communication. A CORBA object never talks directly with another.