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Is cry a good organization?

Is cry a good organization?

As per the Trust Research Advisory Report 2018, CRY is found to be India’s most trusted non-profit brand.

What is the role of CRY Child Rights and You?

Child Rights and You (CRY) is an Indian non-governmental organization (NGO) that works towards ensuring children’s rights. The organization was started in 1979 by Rippan Kapur, an Indian Airlines purser. CRY works with 102 local NGOs across 19 states in India and has impacted the lives of over three million children.

What is your understanding of CRY’s approach to children’s rights?

Our ‘child rights’ approach is geared towards bringing a sustainable and permanent change, one that ensures every child in India, whether girl or boy, gets an equal opportunity to a childhood. The Right to survive with adequate nutrition and quality health care services, citizenship and a wholesome family life.

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What is the role of cry?

Child Relief and You (CRY), founded in 1979, is dedicated to restoring to deprived Indian chil- dren their basic rights to food, shelter, health and education. Its role is to fill the gap left after government and foreign aid do what they can to help children in need.

What are the basic principles of cry?

CRY – Child Rights and You

  • the right to survival – to life, health, nutrition, name and nationality.
  • the right to development – to education, care, leisure, recreation.
  • the right to protection – from exploitation, abuse, neglect.
  • the right to participation – to expression, information, thought and religion.

What is the purpose of cry?

Pain severe enough to make you cry does offer one benefit, though. Research suggests that when you cry, your body releases endorphins and oxytocin. These natural chemical messengers help relieve emotional distress along with physical pain. In other words, crying is a self-soothing behavior.

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What are some examples of children’s rights?

Celebrating National Children’s Month: The 12 Rights of a Child

  • Every child has the right to be born well.
  • Every child has the right to a wholesome family life.
  • Every child has the right to be raised well and become contributing members of society.
  • Every child has the right to basic needs.

What does crying mean answer?

to utter inarticulate sounds, especially of lamentation, grief, or suffering, usually with tears. to weep; shed tears, with or without sound.