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Is Danish language similar to Dutch?

Is Danish language similar to Dutch?

While Germanic in origin, Danish is considered a Scandinavian style. When it comes to pronunciation, Dutch is almost similar to Danish. However, the Dutch language shares a lot more in common with the German language when it comes to syntax, sentence structure, verb usage, and grammar.

Is Danish easier to learn than Dutch?

Dutch word pronunciation is much more straightforward, while Danish is pronounced closer to the English. In grammar, both have difficulties while in pronunciation and spelling Dutch is easier. Dutch is not easy to learn and has complexity, closely like German while Danish is terrible as the English language.

Can the Dutch understand German and Scandinavian languages?

The Dutch could understand some German sentences, but if they do they use some knowledge of e.g. the High German consonant shift. The Scandinavian languages are out of reach. (Spoken) Danish is a language that only the Danish can understand.

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What is the difference between Danish and Dutch?

As a Dutch native speaker, I feel the urge to clear up that misunderstanding. Danish is the language spoken in Denmark. Dutch is the language spoken in The Netherlands.

What language is spoken in the Netherlands?

Dutch is the language spoken in The Netherlands. As is noted in the article ” Dutch, Danish, same difference ,” both languages are Germanic languages spoken in small, flat countries located in the north-west of Europe, but that’s about where the similarities stop.

How difficult is it for a Dutch speaker to learn English?

English has far larger amount of vocabulary from Latin and French than Dutch does, so that would make it difficult for a Dutch speaker who spoke no English to have a passive understanding of English than it would be to have a passive understanding of German.