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Is dark matter Unlimited?

Is dark matter Unlimited?

Not only might dark matter be an unlimited fuel source (in terms of abundance) that we don’t have to carry on board with us, but it might have that perfect, 100\% efficient matter-to-energy conversion potential we so strongly desire.

Does dark matter last forever?

A lifetime of a few hundred billion years or longer is still on the table, meaning that it’s possible that in the very far future, maybe even while the stars are still burning, dark matter will decay away into normal matter, antimatter, and/or radiation, after all.

Will dark energy run out?

As dark energy continues to expand the Universe, the quanta that exist will all decay, fly apart, or redshift until they reach arbitrarily large wavelengths. After enough time passes, the temperature of everything, from gravitational waves to photons to anything else we can fathom, will truly asymptote to zero.

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Can universe have infinite mass?

We can consider the universe to be infinite from our point of reference . But we also know that the universe is mainly empty space. However, we do not know (and may never know) the true shape and extent of the universe so we cannot claim that it is truly infinite. Therefore, the mass of the universe is finite.

How much of the universe is made up of dark matter?

In the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology, the total mass–energy of the universe contains 5\% ordinary matter and energy, 27\% dark matter and 68\% of an unknown form of energy known as dark energy. Thus, dark matter constitutes 85\% of total mass, while dark energy plus dark matter constitute 95\% of total mass–energy content.

What is the difference between dark matter and ordinary matter?

Although both dark matter and ordinary matter are matter, they do not behave in the same way. In particular, in the early universe, ordinary matter was ionized and interacted strongly with radiation via Thomson scattering.

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Can dark matter form objects equivalent to planets?

Dark matter aggregation and dense dark matter objects . If dark matter is composed of weakly-interacting particles, an obvious question is whether it can form objects equivalent to planets, stars, or black holes. Historically, the answer has been it cannot, because of two factors: It lacks an efficient means to lose energy

What happens when two dark matter particles are annihilated?

For example, in regions of high dark matter density (e.g., the centre of our galaxy) two dark matter particles could annihilate to produce gamma rays or Standard Model particle-antiparticle pairs. Alternatively if the dark matter particle is unstable, it could decay into standard model (or other) particles.